Last week, from Thursday the 7th to Sunday the 10th of June, the 5th Iberian Roman Festivities of Cástulo were celebrated, which brought with them a high level of citizen participation thanks to a program full of cultural initiatives to enhance the value of the ancient Iberian Roman city.


The 5th Iberian Roman Festivities of Cástulo have exceeded all expected expectations. During the four days of celebration, from June 7 to 10, Linares has relived his past in the ancient Iberian-Roman City of Cástulo, faithfully and realistically recreating the customs, traditions, rituals and gastronomy of the time.

With respect to the previous edition, this year the Cástulo Festivities have meant a qualitative and quantitative increase in terms of the organization and development of the event. More than 35,000 people have enjoyed these days in Linares the activities organized within the most participatory edition of the Cástulo Festivities. The Iberian-Roman Festivities are increasingly loved by the locals and also by the residents of other municipalities who traveled last weekend to discover them.

From Thursday to Sunday, Linares adorned its streets to kick off the most anticipated event. Throughout the weekend the "Macellum" or Ibero-Roman Market and the "Castrum" or Camp have had a large influx of public. The animations continued throughout the day, filled the streets and shopping areas of Linares with joy and music, bringing people closer to these points and encouraging active participation in the event's activities.

The musical parade marked the beginning of the Festivities. The Iberian, Carthaginian and Roman troops accompanied by fireworks and animations were followed by thousands of people through the downtown area from the market to the camp, where the Ceremony of the Lighting of the Sacred Fire would be held.

Meanwhile, in the Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo by "La Cuerda", the theatrical performance "Himilce: La Leyenda" took place before an audience that vibrated with the story of our Iberian princess.

The children's audience has also been an important part of our parties. Thousands of boys and girls have enjoyed the activities organized for their enjoyment, such as the children's playroom and “Los Juegos de Aspar” located in the Camp or the play “Un paseo por Cástulo” aimed at the educational centers of Linares to learn the story of Cástulo having fun.

There have been many new initiatives launched this year 2018, but the theater has played a fundamental role in the programming of this edition that has featured two plays: “From Cástulo to Qart Hadasth” and “El Sueño de Himilce” starring Linar actors and actresses who got the public to pack the Plaza del Ayuntamiento on both occasions.

The large volume of locals who participated in the parade on Saturday, accompanied by fraternal festivals from Cartagena and Córdoba, were expected by hundreds of people in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to see the beginning of the Parade of Troops and Legions made up of the Iberian civilizations, Roman and Carthaginian. All of them escorted the child couple of Anibal and Himilce, mounted on a carriage, along with the marching bands and the chariots and horses, which finished the procession.

The Great Circus Maximus was the most anticipated event. With all the seats sold out on the morning of the performance, thousands of people enjoyed the gladiatorial show that took place in the Linares Bullring.

On Sunday, Cástulo became an athletics track through which the athletes participating in the III Cross of Cástulo ran, held to commemorate the Ibero-Roman Festivities. After the sporting event, the theatrical visit began which, added to the different visits organized by the festivities from Cartagena, led to the Cástulo Archaeological Ensemble being visited by more than a thousand people on that day.

Regarding the hotel occupancy data, it has been recorded that, from Thursday to Sunday, the hotels in Linares have had 100% occupancy. Likewise, the restaurant sector and businesses have highlighted that the data has been spectacular. The more than 270 establishments participating in the “Los Días de Mercurio” commercial campaign have detected a notable rise in consumption during these days and confirm very satisfactory data in the commercial and restaurant sectors.

In the development of the activities, the work and the work of the organizing team and the participants who strive for the correct development of the event without losing sight of the historical rigor stand out. For all these reasons, Linares continues to be a member of the Association of Historical Festivities and Recreations that, through the visit of its president at the Spanish and European level, Antonio Madrid, were accompanying us during the weekend.

The Councilor for Tourism Mabel Selfa wants to thank everyone and all the participants who have been involved in the development of these Festivities, making them their own and being part of this event that is expected to evolve more each edition. First of all, to the Federation of Troops and Legions of the Carthaginian and Roman Festivities of Cartagena for accompanying us one more year and collaborating with us in the organization and participation of some of the activities of the Cástulo Festivities; to the Chamber of Commerce and Association of Merchants and Industrialists of Linares (ACIL) for their work and collaboration in the commercial initiative "Los Días de Mercurio"; to the Hermandad del Santo Entierro, Hermandad del Rescate and Club Hípico Alianza for accompanying the Iberian, Carthaginian and Roman troops in the great triumphal parade; also to thank the assistance of the Association of Recreation "Atinbelau" of Córdoba, twinned with the Fiestas de Linares; to the Associations of Mothers and Fathers of Linares (AMPAS) for involving the boys and girls of the educational centers and making them participate in the parade; to the actors and actresses of the performing arts associations: Lapsus de Thalia, La Cuerda, Los Críticos, GT AA.VV. From Estación de Almería, The Cultural English Center, Alternative Theater Workshop, GT It started in Bethlehem; as well as the associations Box Linares, TuriArte and the Feminist Association with Fuerza de Mujer for their collaboration in the plays performed during the Festivities; the Krigereskørt Historical Recreation Group for their talk on battle techniques; to the Brotherhood of the Holy Supper, for giving the gastronomic touch in the "tabernae" installed in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento; to Cruzcampo-Heineken and Alcampo Linares for the provisioning; to the Association of Radio Amateurs for their promotion of the Festivities internationally; to the Linares Mountain Club for being a fundamental part of the Cross de Cástulo; to Juan Carlos Cabuchola for giving his voice in the recordings of the shows and finally to thank Santi Villar for creating and producing the OST of the V Fiestas de Cástulo, which has become the anthem of these parties.

In conclusion, the councilor points out that the data obtained from the Ibero-Roman Festivities of Cástulo are a clear reflection of the positive impact of this event in our city. The celebration of this event in Linares represents a significant economic impact on the city thanks to an intense tourist, commercial and promotional activity these days. In addition, the enthusiasm and participation of citizens in this event is a clear reflection of the improvement of the image of our city, which year after year manages to break down barriers and position the name of Linares as a tourist reference..

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