Los participantes de las Fiestas de Cástulo han dinamizado el espacio dedicado a la provincia y ha logrado llamar la atención de los visitantes. Era el objetivo: promocionar el evento linarense que ha presentado el video promocional de su VI edición en FITUR 2019.

FITUR 2019 is consolidated as one of the most complete editions. The great international tourism event, held from January 23 to 27 at the IFEMA fairgrounds, has been one of the most productive editions in terms of the establishment of expansion alliances and the signing of business between participating professionals -both companies and organizations or institutions-.

During these days, the 39th edition of one of the most important tourist fairs in Europe has been held and an annual meeting point for professionals and travelers from all over the world. To understand what this fair means, we must illustrate it with some data that explain the importance of this industry in the 21st century. FITUR grows 8.3% compared to the previous year with the participation of 886 main exhibitors and almost 10,500 companies from 165 countries and regions. The national section increased by 6% while the international section grew by 11%, representing 55% of the total fair.

Linares has been located, as every year, in pavilion 5 of Andalusia, within the provincial stand of Jaén. In 2019, the Provincial Council of Jaén has defined as promotional axes the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Natural Park of Cazorla Segura y las Villas, and the twentieth anniversary of the Journey to Time of the Iberians, with winks such as the gigantic image of the León de Cástulo who presides over the stand from the province.

Linares has taken advantage of this showcase to the world of tourism to carry out the Official presentation of the VI edition of the Ibero-Roman Festivities of Cástulo , an unforgettable historical recreation experience where local heritage comes to life every year.

For the presentation of the new edition of this event, which will be held in Linares from May 9 to 12, there was a citizen representation where about 40 participants of the Ibero Roman Festivities were present with their best Iberian, Roman and Carthaginian finery to promote this historical re-enactment event.

The Cástulo Festivities are a tourist-cultural event reference in our province and an outstanding festival in the national calendar of Historical Festivities and Recreations, since Linares was the first city in Andalusia to be part of Spanish Association of Festivities and Historical Recreations (AEFRH). In addition, during the fair, meetings have been held with municipalities belonging to said association, which presented a promotional video at the Castilla y León stand where it presented each of the Historical Recreation Festivities held in the member cities.

In the presentation ceremony, held in one of the rooms of the Andalusian Pavilion, the Mayor of Linares, Juan Fernande z; the councilor delegate of the Tourism Area in the City of Linares, Joaquin Robles ; the president of the Tourism Commission, Angels Isac and the deputy of Tourism of the Diputación de Jaén, Manuel Fernandez ; accompanied by the Linarians with the Iberian, Roman and Carthaginian clothes.

The new promotional video of the VI edition of the Cástulo Festivities that will be used in the media to publicize and promote the event. Likewise, some of the novelties of the schedule for 2019 participants were presented, with didactic activities, which will help to better understand the three cultures that settled the Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo, cultural trips to archaeological sites, visits to museums and historical advice for the making of their clothes.

The City Council of Linares expects for this year a massive participation on the part of the citizenry since, after the closing of the registration period last December, more than 300 new registrations have been registered, which add up to a total, between veterans and new registrants, of more 600 participants for the Parade of Troops and Legions of the Ibero Roman Festivities 2019, which must include the participating bands, animations, floats and other shows included in this expected massive parade.

In addition to the Fiestas, and the Archaeological complex of Cástulo, Linares once again occupied a prominent place in the provincial stand with attractions such as mining, cultural and patrimonial heritage, as well as its offer within accessible tourism and congresses . All with the aim of continuing to increase tourist registrations in a city that closed last year with more than 70 thousand visits. .

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